How to not live a life

Chasing dreams not happiness

Our lives are very busy and many of us are so much indulge in work that we dont have time for ourselves, we all have dreams and we all chase it to achieve it. Chasing dream is good but what if I tell you that you are chasing dreams to fulfill your goal, your desires and want to become happy, because at the end of every dream , when you achieve it, you become happy, so that make your end goal to become happy. But the truth is that if a person those who have less, is much much happier than those who have more. Happiness is the most expensive things in everyones life ,even Elon Musk cant have it. To purchase it, it cost you efforts of life. You know what, you can achieve it now, but how? And the answer is by being satisfied by what you have or what you have achieved. So, always chasing dreams should not be in your list.


People says that to live a good life, you should have good daily habits like wake up early morning and read a book and do this or do that. Even on social media, this content is every where. But my opinion in this is this all is not true because how you live your life doesnt affect your real you. The real you knows that you only want happiness in your life. Many people out there insprire me for many things who dont follow this "wake up at 5 am" shit. Its your life, enjoy it how you want but keep in mind that dont get into wrong things like addiction because it will end you upon the ugly stage.

Time for youself

My fiancee is studying in medical field currently and she is the best student in her college. She works very hard to score good marks in exams and study all the day. The thing she lacks in, in her college time is time for herself. She likes to do calligraphy and watch tv serials in her free time but guess what? She doesnt have free time. Sacrifising the things you like to achieve something is good but you should give some time to yourself and make some peace with yourself. Only chasing goals will just lead you to a great frustraition and regret.S